Sunday, June 25, 2006

A search in secret India by Paul Brunton

I read this book pretty recently and was really impressed. Not by the depth of spirituality but by the honest description of the author and his open admission to ignorance and if course his curiosity.
Over time i have increasingly noticed that non indians write better about india probably because they are not clouted by their own baggage of what is right and wrong to be written about india.

The story is overtly simple about a guy in his search for truth , he wanders in india and meets many mystics and finally finds what he is looking for with Ramana Maharshi. The interesting part is teh simplicity of narration and the innocence of his description of what he saw.

The book is primarily written for the western audience who according to him has a more distorted view of india , but i think even indians have a pretty distorted view and for that matter they form an opinion of stuff based on the slice of life they are exposed to.
But definitely a good interesting read.

1 comment:

Sambit Kumar Dash said...

Can I get the borrow the book?